YAY! I am writing a children’s book! I was asked to write a children’s book for Flamingo Rampant Press, which is geared toward families with LGBTIQ members. I have decided to write a book about a young child visiting the planets. I have always been fascinated by how different each of the planets is, and want to present a message that the universe lets one be happy about many things.
My question—if each planet had self-awareness, what might you think would make each one feel lucky to be itself? Why might Mars feel lucky to be Mars? Why would Jupiter feel lucky to be Jupiter?
To write a children’s book has been a dream of mine. I aim to create a simple book that is inviting, even whimsical, yet firmly based in our current understanding of the Solar System. Uranus can cartwheel around the sun. Venus can wrap itself in a thick blanket to keep warm. I want to give LGBTIQ children positive images they can relate to and feel, yet might urge them to learn more about their physical world as they grow up.
Right now Flamingo Rampant is crowdfunding their next group of books–so please check out their page!