Hi Everyone!
Right now, I am taking a little morning break from my writing. I am thinking about how we can keep chatting and saying hello with each other.
My Bulletin page will be moving to Substack next year–that part is a done deal, and I will talk more about it over the next few weeks. 🙂
Facebook is Facebook, and I will also be using more Twitch next year. And Instagram continues to be super fun!!!!
Twitter is a little more up in the air. I love the immediacy of Twitter–and the short format makes it a lot less intimidating than a blog post (like this one)–let alone a full Bulletin (or Substack) article.
Also, I have reached so many people through Twitter, and made a bunch of friends, too. 🙂
However, as we all know, Twitter is in flux.
For now, Twitter is remains there for readers to chat with me and vice versa (and THANK YOU!!! 🙂
However, I now have a Mastodon account, as well–please add me as a friend there if you can! If we can form a happy group there, too–it would be amazeballs.
Mastodon– @rykaryka@mastodon.social
I also have a Hive account, too, but I cannot quite figure how to link to it (definitely a disadvantage).
In any case breaktime is over! Back to writing! 🙂
Much love,