Happy New Year, Guest of Honor at Arisia 2024, and My New Book (Yes, I’m still working on it. Yes, Same one. But super excited about it!!))

Uncategorized / Sunday, January 7th, 2024

Happy New Year, Everyone!

My writing life and rhythm is, like many things about me, perhaps questionable to many of those around me.

Folks will ask like, “What are you up to?”

And I’m like, “Working on my book.”

And they’re like, “Which one?”

And I’m like, “Same one.”

And they kind of go, “Oh, uh-huh,” and I can’t help but feel as if I’ve disappointed them somehow.

I’ve never been the most prolific writer. With this book, it’s been even less so—not just because I’m recovering from losing my mother, which I’ve discussed earlier, but also this book is doing a lot of things and I want to make sure that I get everything exactly where I want it to be.

After all, once the book is published, it’s much harder to make changes.

So, anyway, I’m working on my book. Same one.

But although there were times where it has been very difficult and grueling, it’s always better than not writing. I have always felt writing has always been a privilege and a blessing, and now writing is getting fun.

I’m in my first revision and I am getting excited about it. It is taking on a very happy shine and I am super excited to maybe even sharing a little of it next week.

Or less than a week, in Boston, where I will be the author Guest of Honor at Arisia 2024!

I have never before been a Guest of Honor of a Con before—I am not sure how one gets to be a Guest of Honor—but thank you, from the bottom of my heart to the Arisia Committee.

And thank you to everyone who has treated me so beautifully and wonderfully after my first science fiction novel, Light From Uncommon Stars, was published. Thanks to you, I have realized one of my most precious dreams.

I put everything into my writing. I have dreamed it, hated it, celebrated with it, failed at it, endured with it. When my life falls apart, I process and survive with it. When good things happen, I give thanks with it.

And now I get to be in Boston and at Arisia Con 2024 and be a Guest of Honor because of it.

“Guest of Honor,” rather than the “Guest to whom Honor is Given.” I think that is a distinct and important difference. A “mug of hot chocolate” brings warmth and sweetness to the taster, not the mug. A “house of worship” brings sanctuary and meaning to all who might enter.

And, as a guest of honor, I hope my presence brings honor to everyone at the Arisia 2024. I hope my presence honors the New England SF/F communities by showing how their reading across boundaries and preconceptions can make magic happen.

There was a time when no one like me would have been able to reach so many, or have her words welcomed by so many, or be inspired to write the best books of her life by so many.

I hope that my presence next week honors everyone who insists that our stories can touch each other. And that the world of fantasy and science fiction should welcome everyone—you, me, the person chopping broccoli.

I hope that Arisia 2024 helps bring a world where all of us, all of us get to speculate. Get to fantasize. Get to dream.

That would be so darned honorable, don’t you think?

I am so looking forward to visiting Boston and Arisia 2024. I cannot wait to say thank you to everybody—not just for recognizing my stories, but for continuing to create spaces where all of us might share.

If you see me bopping around the convention, say hello. Tell me about the cool book that I need to read or the amazing game I need to play. (Especially the awesome manga or anime that I should be aware of. Because I’m into that sort of thing.)

I’m going to be on panels, and we’ll be signing and talking about my work. but I also—and perhaps even more eagerly—I will be walking around the Con, visiting storytellers and artists and gamers and makers, talking to people, and learning from others and feel so darned inspired that I could just pinch myself.

Because I might be able to chat with you. And if so, the honor will all be mine.

Much love!!