(Dec-20 retrospective)
I was trying to select my WordPress theme, and I ran into “Reykjavik.” It wasn’t the right theme for me, but it was funny that I could actually post pictures from Reykjavik onto the Reykjavik theme.
It’s been a few months since I left Iceland, and I hope to go back in a couple more years. I have a dear friend in Keyflavik, and I like meeting friends if I get the chance. I went through a very difficult time from 2016- early 2017, and being able to come to a place like Iceland, which, for me is mythic, helped give me enough space and wonder start healing.
I’ll be posting more about Iceland as I start recovering my web site. But isn’t it funny how travel is like two trips in one? You go to a place that is new, and when you come home, your home, as well, seems different and a little more magical.
(Posts from June 20, 2017)

Ha! Now thinking how I can impress the cute salesdyke at REI by saying “well, these boots held up really well, when I was hiking in Iceland….”I never really got the chance to talk about Icelandic butter. Icelandic butter has a texture that’s different from what I’m used to. It’s flexible. You can cut a thin slice and it will bend in your hand like cheese. And it has a really smooth and rich mouth feel.